The cost of FREEDOM and the pursuit to live IT! As Independence Day July 4th, stands in awaiting for the phase of summer to celebrate with fireworks, grilling, and family gathering others perhaps do not see the sentiment of the event in the same way.
With the civil unrest of George Floyd, the defunding of the police, the rioting and looting raises the question: How can unity be celebrated in America when WE (the country) are so divided? With the unrelenting acts of racism, raising its' ugly head through injustice acts from the police, and civilian citizens where can unity start?
To be the change in the world, each American should examine ourselves. Granted everyone has their opinion, their freedom of speech, and their citizen rights. However as an examined individual means, the beginning of transformation. Knowing yourself begins with standing up for what you believe in, and pursuing what is right! Let FREEDOM RING!
Part of the solution can start with a conversation to explore the topics of racism and injustice and be the change that is so desperately needed in our society. Joining an organization for the cause of racial injustice and support the cause for social justice is another step in the right direction.
Unfortunately we can not erase the painful past of America's shame of Slavery, but we can as we have before, again, and again picked up the torch from our ancestors and make the wrongs of hatred, racism and injustice right. In unity we as a culture of people will continue LET FREEDOM RING!
The 4th of July should be celebrated how one views what America means to them.
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